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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

International Dot Day - September 15

In 2009, a teacher — Terry Shay, in small town Iowa (Traer) was searching for a book to inspire a life lesson.  He found such a book in Peter H. Reynolds's The Dot  (Candlewick, 2003).

The story is that of Vashti a child who just "can't draw."  A teacher suggestion that she just begin by "making her mark."  The creativity evolves as she takes a stab at creating art.  Her first efforts begin with a blast of red and orange.  The mantra presented in the book is that of "Just make a mark."  Spurred by Shay (and with encouragement but with very little direct involvement, by Reynolds) International Dot Day has grown to circle the earth and involve thousands of children making their mark — their dot.
Families, classrooms, individuals can sign up to participate in the current celebration of Dot Day -- occurs around September 15ish
Parents and teachers, and children themselves can take this opportunity to promote their own creativity and to find out where their personal dot might take them.  Join the dot club at

A YouTube video will introduce readers to the book and begin some thinking about how a dot can be the beginning of "Making a Mark" -- At first one can make their mark literally.  Soon that might extend into figuratively making a mark in the world.  What will the student do?  Raise funds to send books to Ethiopia or to build a school there?

Join by making YOUR mark!  Join in the International Dot Day - September 15th.

1 comment:

  1. Peter H. Reynolds' The Dot is wonderful. He and his family own a fantastic independent children's bookshop in Dedham, MA called The Blue Bunny ( It's located in the town center and is brimming with great children's books and toys. The Blue Bunny also features Peter H. Reynolds books and prints. The bookshop also offers many art classes for kids.
