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Thursday, November 17, 2016

TAKE ACTION: Santa Claus Soap and Lace

It's now Christmas 2017 - and while I am done lamenting it hasn't stopped the action.  This project is one that can be adapted and used again and again.  

Previous post.
I am done lamenting the outcome of our 2016 election - -and am taking action.  One means of doing this is to support agencies that support women and other marginalized residents of our country.  Accordingly this holiday season (2016) I am packaging some small gifts that those being served by non-profits can either choose for themselves or choose as a gift to give to someone as a holiday gift.  These gifts are destined for the Catherine McCauley Center in Cedar Rapids IA.

 Now for the project  ~A Gift and a Little History~

In 1864 Nathaniel Kellogg Fairbank moved to Chicago from New York, and established a lard-processing and soap-making company.  Using lard and lye was a rather standard set of ingredients to use in the making of soap.  Fairbank established the Santa Claus Soap company.  The company's best known product was Santa Claus Soap known for its cleaning ability.
The soap was advertised as being for all year around.
In 1875 the company was purchased by the American Cotton Oil Company and renamed the N.K. Fairbank & Co.  In the latter part of the 1800s the company had 400 employees and was selling over $5 millions of product each year.  The company expanded and created a Cottolene lard substitute, Fairy Soap, a scouring soap, and Gold Dust washing powder.

And now the gift.
We found a vintage label for Santa Claus Soap - and duplicated the label on small shipping labels (Avery 8163;
Then we found some natural soaps that we wanted to include in a gift package for someone.
It was simple to create a good looking gift simply by wrapping the soap in tissue paper and sealing the tissue with the vintage Santa Soap label.
Click here to download pdf of the label set.
Very young children can wrap the soaps rather easily since the tissue can be wrinkled, and the wrapping does not need to be perfect.  The label will hold the tissue down and will make the "package" look fine.
You can download the labels to be used on (Avery 8163; shipping labels here.
We then folded sets of two white wash cloths, wrapped each set of two cloths with the soap - secured by a lace ribbon. We made fifteen sets / soap and washcloth packages.


These fifteen packages are destined for the Catherine McCauley House in Cedar Rapids -- an organization that serves women and gives them a hand up. 

Source of history information:
Hanneman, Joe (2015 Dec. 2015) Ads in History: Santa Claus Soap.  Treasured Lives-Discover You History.  (Blog) Retrieved from:

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